
The Earl of Hugel

Sometimes I wonder if I'm too tough on Hugel. If I don't really give him a fair shake. Maybe his multitude of problems aren't really his problems, they're my problems and point to some sort of deep-rooted insecurity which causes me to overreact and lash out at him.

But then I'm validated by the scorn of others for Hugel, and I realize that it really is him who is flawed. Check it out here.

A little background: the comment is in reference to a similar shot taken by the commenter, on which Hugel left a comment claiming to have the superior photo. The commenter, noting the contempt for the English language that Hugel displays at all times, as well as in the title of his own photo, proceeded to destroy him with her own comment.

Apparently his spelling of the word sandwich - a word which I am pretty sure I knew how to spell right around the first time I ever ate one - is not limited to just this case. See here.

Only in the world of Hugel could you search his photo library for the word "sandwhich" and find TWO occurrences.