
Backseat Driver

Images and flashes from the moment are still coursing through my head.

It's almost as if Hugel planned the left-turn perfectly to ensure that if the car coming from our left didn't hit us, the car coming from our right certainly would.

Fortunately both other drivers had a heightened sense of awareness and slammed on their brakes, avoiding catastrophe. Hugel never stopped or flinched for a second.

I live to see another day, yet with the nagging thought that I will inevitably die at Hugel's hand.


Johnny Hugel said...

Remind me again why I'm excited that Ben moved back to Richmond?

He's always asking that we visit restaurants with WiFi so that he can pretend his iPod touch is an iPhone. It's already gotten old, just get an iPhone.

Speaking of phones, the only person I can't hear when they call me, is Ben. Somehow he tries to claims it's not on his end.

ben said...

Hugel's excited that I moved back to Richmond? Thats so sweet. A rare moment of brotherly love in an otherwise hostile blog.

Oh, and everything else he wrote in this reply is pure crap. Cus he's a moron.

Anonymous said...

i can attest to ben's sentiments re: bugel-driving. i too almost came face-to-face with death on a deserted virginia highway when hugel didnt see a stalled car in the middle of the road.

he didnt flinch.


ben said...

I always knew our anonymous fan-base was on my side.

Johnny Hugel said...

I wish Johnny Fink would chime in my side. He's always defended my driving, and he's one of the few people who have ever almost died in my car.

ben said...

I spot three grammatical mistakes in Hugel's last comment.