
More Typical Hugel

Sorry (to our one reader) that it has been awhile since the last post. I feel like I'm doing all the heavy lifting here, having written every single post to occur in the last year. Hugel must be busy over at his personal blog, "Distractions" (if there was ever a word to describe Hugel, it truly is distracted).

Speaking of personal writing, I'm going to post about Hugel's screenplay. Yes, Hugel wrote a screenplay. Yes, I have read it. And yes, it is surprisingly entertaining, and much better than I thought it would be (such a low bar though, really!). But I'm not here to post a critical analysis of his work, I would rather focus on another aspect of his writing. Before receiving said screenplay, many people would have wondered if the writing was good, and if the characters were well developed, and if there was a clear beginning, middle, climax, and end. But not me. You see, knowing Hugel, I was more curious to see how many spelling mistakes there would be, how bad they would be, and how long it would be until I encountered one (for a primer on Hugel's atrocious spelling, just read any of his posts on this blog). Well it turns out, it didn't take very long for me to come across the first mistake. In fact I didn't have to start reading the screenplay at all: there was a misspelling in the filename. His screenplay which I'm pretty sure is titled "STARSTRUCK", was according to the filename, called "STARSTUCK", which sounds like a bad sci-fi novel. I proceeded to open the file and was then presented with the title page, and the true name of his screenplay, "STARSTRUCL." OK. At this point, I don't even know the name of what I'm reading. Before receiving it, I thought he had told me the title was "STARSTRUCK" but at no point anywhere in what he provided me did I see that word. The icing on the cake: two lines below this Hugel had spelled his own name incorrectly as "JONH D. HUGEL."

To recap, I haven't even made it to page one, and there are already three spelling mistakes. This is a spelling failure rate of 100% as far as I'm concerned. But this of course is nothing new for Hugel.


Johnny Hugel said...

To appease the masses I will address this post by Ben. Yes, unfortunately production has slowed a bit on the blog. Perhaps due to the fact that we aren't in the same city and therefore I can't reach his buttons nearly as easily. Although in the past the majority of our interactions occured digitally anyway, I guess Ben just has too much going on these days to spend time online.

I do take issue with Ben's choice of words here. I find it interesting that someone who I've helped move a dozen times and ALWAYS picks the smallest box to move, used the words "Heavy Lifting" to describe his "recent" postings. I'd think that someone with so much time on their hands wouldn't be so stingy with their time. We both know that if Fink had a blog he wouldn't have any problem filling these pages with his nonsense.

Anyway, yes, what Ben states is true. In writing my screenplay I spent my time revising and editing the 120 page document. In the application I use the title page is a separate document, so in order to thwart his stealing or reposting my script I threw together a title page. Unfortunately in my haste I misspelled the two most important details on the title page, the Title and my name. Please, feel free to have a laugh at my expense.

Now to have a laugh at Ben's expense I question his grammar in the above post. He says that he's read the screenplay (past tense) and posts his opinion, but then closes with the following quote (in present tense): "I haven't even made it to page one, and there are already three spelling mistakes. "

So, who's laughing now Mavis Beacon?

ben said...

To Hugel:

Ok, first of all it's "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing" not "Mavis Beacon Teaches Grammar".

Second, when I wrote "I haven't even made it to page one..." that was meant to be from my perspective at the time (getting to page one). For the sake of clarity, I should have said "I hadn't even made it to page one...".