
The Two Lives Of Ben Kohler

The Ben Kohler that I know and love is the cooler than though type. Whenever something becomes too popular he abandons it and pretends to never liked it; This applies to music, movies, tv shows, etc. It doesn't really apply to Politics or Restaurants, yet.

Anyway, I've heard Bens thoughts on clubs and bars in Richmond, and to the best of my knowledge he was very anti the popular Richmond spots, such as Godfreys, Mars Bar, and more recently The New York Deli. He once told me "That place sucks" when I invited him to the New York Deli.

Needless to say I was pretty surprised when I discovered the article below this, a feature in Richmond Magazine on Carytown hot spots, which seems to show another side to the Ben Kohler many of us didn't know existed. So maybe this shows that somewhere buried deep inside Ben Kohler there is another side of him who still listens to The Strokes and Interpol and still refuses to pick people up on Thursdays because The OC is on.

1 comment:

ben said...

"cooler than though?"

seriously, someone needs to reinvent the entire concept of the spellchecker just to help you out.