
Hugel's Blog

Q: When is a blog not really a blog but just a series of YouTube clips that the author thinks are humorous?

A: When it's Hugel's blog.

Q: So couldn't Hugel have saved himself the hosting fees, and just started a YouTube channel for free?

A: Yes.


Johnny Hugel said...

I guess I can see why the political arena has become so aluring to Ben; he really has become a master of half-truths and misdirection. Yes, I have a blog, but no it does not consist solely of YouTube clips. For his information, Tumblr is built upon the concept of easily sharing things that you find interesting (video, audio, images, etc). For the stuff I find every day that I find funny or interesting, I will tumble it. And he can rest his head knowing that I'm working on a custom design for the blog which would only show my original posts by default, so he doesn't have to worry about the youtube clips.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

ben said...

Oh, my bad. I didn't realize you were "tumbling" these videos. I thought you were just posting them. Now I see though. Because the blog is powered by "Tumblr", when you put a video on, it's called "tumbling", and not posting. And though for all intents and purposes these are the exact same things, "tumbling" just sounds so much better. So, I apologize Hugel. Keep on "tumbling" your YouTube videos. In fact, maybe we should switch this blog over to "Tumblr" so we can "tumble" our posts instead of posting them. I for one, would be really excited about "tumbling" with you.

Johnny Hugel said...

I'd be down to turn this into a tumblr. That way we can lower the percentage of your pointless, oldman yelling at the sky rants that we have to sit through to get something funny, like a walrus playing a saxophone.


ben said...

What does Gary Oldman have to do with this?

ben said...

I really do love that walrus video.